Healthy food and Nutrition

Secrets of Carbohydrate

Secrets of Carbohydrates Consumption in children’s nutrition

Secrets of Carbohydrates Consumption in children’s nutrition: Impacts of foods high in “Free Sugars” and “Empty calories” on a child’s health Why do Children need to consume Carbohydrates in sufficient quantity and quality every day? Two ways of gaining weight Calories provide fuel to the cells in the body. When we consume food and beverages, […]

Secrets of Carbohydrates Consumption in children’s nutrition Read More »


Rational Feeding of a Child in the First Year of Life – What Every Mother Should Know

Introduction Free feeding, also known as demand feeding or responsive feeding, is a feeding method for infants in which the baby is fed whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than being fed on a schedule. With this method, the baby is allowed to determine how often and how much they want to feed based on

Rational Feeding of a Child in the First Year of Life – What Every Mother Should Know Read More »


SMART NUTRITION: The amazing benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in Children’s Smart Nutrition

The benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in children’s Smart Nutrition: What parents should know? Introduction “Smart nutrition” refers to an approach to nutrition that involves making informed and intelligent choices about what and how we eat. It involves considering the nutritional value of foods, understanding individual dietary needs, and making choices that contribute to overall

SMART NUTRITION: The amazing benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in Children’s Smart Nutrition Read More »


The Secret Power of Breastfeeding: How It Influences Your Baby’s Health

Why is breastfeeding so important to a baby`s health? There are 4 main factors which we should concentrate on: Introduction Breast milk is a complex fluid that contains a wide range of substances that are important for the growth and development of a newborn baby. Exclusive breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby under

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Eating Behaviours

10 Clear Factors Influencing Children’s Eating Behaviours

Why is developing healthy habits in the child important? General Recommendations about developing Healthy Eating Habits “Child Health Creation” aims to prevent the development of diseases by providing Early Child Development programs and Parent education on How to grow a healthy child.  Early childhood is a critical stage of development that forms the foundation for children’s future

10 Clear Factors Influencing Children’s Eating Behaviours Read More »


What vitamins are found in vegetables? Full vitamins list to be healthy

Vegetables are the Main Source of Vitamins and Minerals necessary for a Healthy Life Vitamins are the most valuable components of vegetables. Vitamins accelerate the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and fats and normalize water metabolism. The need for vitamins increases with increased physical and mental work, in winter, with diseases. The most common

What vitamins are found in vegetables? Full vitamins list to be healthy Read More »

Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables

Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables. Vegetables are optimal energy sources for the human body

The top 10 healthiest vegetables Every person’s diet should be balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals, which can be found in large quantities in fresh vegetables. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 healthiest vegetables your body and mind need. Carrot It contains vitamins of groups B, PP, C, E, and K.

Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables. Vegetables are optimal energy sources for the human body Read More »

Vegetables are optimal energy sources

Vegetables are optimal energy sources for the human body

What is the role of biologically active substances in human nutrition? Vegetables, in addition to carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and mineral salts, contain biologically active substances – natural antioxidants that are not found in other products. One of the reasons for the decrease in the body’s immunity, the development of many diseases, and the reduction

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What vegetables your body needs

Vegetables are optimal energy sources for the human body. What vegetables your body needs?

What is the importance of vegetables in human nutrition? Vegetables are optimal for ensuring a longer life and are the most valuable food product. The irreplaceability of vegetables in nutrition is determined by the fact that they are the leading suppliers of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, essential oils, and dietary fiber necessary for the

Vegetables are optimal energy sources for the human body. What vegetables your body needs? Read More »