Health Education

Secrets of Carbohydrate

Secrets of Carbohydrates Consumption in children’s nutrition

Secrets of Carbohydrates Consumption in children’s nutrition: Impacts of foods high in “Free Sugars” and “Empty calories” on a child’s health Why do Children need to consume Carbohydrates in sufficient quantity and quality every day? Two ways of gaining weight Calories provide fuel to the cells in the body. When we consume food and beverages, […]

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Rational Feeding of a Child in the First Year of Life – What Every Mother Should Know

Introduction Free feeding, also known as demand feeding or responsive feeding, is a feeding method for infants in which the baby is fed whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than being fed on a schedule. With this method, the baby is allowed to determine how often and how much they want to feed based on

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SMART NUTRITION: The amazing benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in Children’s Smart Nutrition

The benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in children’s Smart Nutrition: What parents should know? Introduction “Smart nutrition” refers to an approach to nutrition that involves making informed and intelligent choices about what and how we eat. It involves considering the nutritional value of foods, understanding individual dietary needs, and making choices that contribute to overall

SMART NUTRITION: The amazing benefits of Turmeric (Curcuma), Ginger and Cinnamon in Children’s Smart Nutrition Read More »


The Secret Power of Breastfeeding: How It Influences Your Baby’s Health

Why is breastfeeding so important to a baby`s health? There are 4 main factors which we should concentrate on: Introduction Breast milk is a complex fluid that contains a wide range of substances that are important for the growth and development of a newborn baby. Exclusive breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby under

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Clumsy Child

Secrets about a Clumsy Child: Impact of Connective Tissue Disorders on the development clumsiness

As parents, we all want our children to be healthy and happy. However, sometimes our children may struggle with certain physical challenges that can impact their confidence and self-esteem. One common issue that parents may encounter is a “clumsy child.”  This article will discuss what parents need to know about clumsy children and how they can

Secrets about a Clumsy Child: Impact of Connective Tissue Disorders on the development clumsiness Read More »

child's perception

How Parental care influences the Child’s perception creating his Healthy habits

In this article, I will tell you: Introduction For example, suppose a child perceives the world as a dangerous and scary place. In that case, they may experience stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect their physical health, such as elevated blood pressure and increased risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, their mental health may suffer, and they may

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Connective Tissue Dysplasia in children

Connective Tissue Dysplasia and How to protect your child from chronic diseases?

Connective Tissue and its essential function in the body If you have already encountered such health issues as scoliosis, kyphosis, various deformities of the chest, flat feet, “spider” fingers, tooth structure disorders, increased joint mobility, myopia, and many others (you will read about this below), it means that you already know about Connective Tissue Dysplasia. Connective tissue

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child sleep

Quality Sleep is essential for the Healthy Child Development

Why is sleep important for a child? Sleep is critical for children’s overall health and development and plays a vital role in several key areas, including: In short, sleep is essential for children’s growth, development, and overall well-being. It’s important for parents to ensure that their children are getting enough sleep to support their healthy

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child iq

Unlocking Your Child IQ Potential: The Link Between Life Success and Emotional Intelligence

The measure of a child’s cognitive abilities and potential Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a commonly used measure of a child’s cognitive abilities and potential for academic and intellectual success. However, the relationship between IQ and life success is complex and controversial. On the one hand, high IQ scores are often associated with better educational outcomes and

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Body Movement

Body Movement is a Powerful Tool for the Mindset Creation

The Steps to be Healthy To be healthy, it is important to follow the next steps:  1.         Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and improves overall physical and mental health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise, such as brisk walking. 2.         Eat

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