
Health as a way of life and its components. Why do I always have health problems?

  • Why do I have health problems?
  • What do you need to do to be healthy and enjoy life?

In a person’s life, there is nothing more important and valuable than his health. If you have problems or something hurts, all your attention is focused on this problem, and you are no longer interested in other topics, such as material goods, money, family, relationships, etc. Your mind is completely focused on the disease, which does not allow you to live and enjoy life fully.

Why do I always have health problems?

First, when we talk about health, we mean the physical and mental components, emotions, and energies.

That is, a person, like life, consists of 4 dimensions that exist in interaction with each other:

  • the body,
  • body´s energy shell,
  • state of mind,
  • and emotions.

And these 4 dimensions have to be in balance when we’re talking about Health. If there is an imbalance between these components, then poor health or illness occurs. A disease is a disorder. This is the loss of the ability to keep the body at rest or in balance. Many aspects of the human body cannot work in concert. We lose our balance and fall, i.e. get sick.

Diseases come to us in two ways:

  1. These are infectious diseases, which account for 10% of all diseases: viral, bacterial, parasitic, etc.
  2. 90% occur in our body or in our psyche as a reaction (i.e. emotion) to something we are doing wrong. And a very complex pathogenetic biochemical process is launched in the body, leading to certain diseases. It’s like a signal from the body that we’ve lost our way. Only here not everyone understands this. And they treat not the causes of diseases, but their consequences. And therefore, these diseases arise, again and again, taking a chronic course with periods of exacerbation and remission.

Here you will get information about what we are doing wrong and what leads us to diseases.

Let’s first touch on the issue of infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases are like aggression from the outside, and here you need to defend yourself, i.e. take chemical drugs – medicines, antibiotics. But if you look deeper at the problem of infections, then again, the reason lies inside our body: a low protective reaction and insufficient immunity: both natural and artificial (vaccination against dangerous infections). Unjustified refusals of vaccinations, as well as insufficient development of natural immunity, weaken our protective response against infectious agents from the outside. Therefore, there is an invasion of microorganisms into our bodies.

Let’s see what these are the 90% of diseases that arise due to our wrong behavior and reactions:

  • 10% are hereditary and congenital diseases with which the child is born, such as Down syndrome, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, congenital malformations of the heart and other organs, etc.
  • The next 10% occur due to unhealthy food,
  • and the remaining 70% arise due to a lack of body movements, in other words, due to stagnation,  which occurs in all organs and tissues of the body if we do not use our body enough or when we move incorrectly.

To resume: from here it is obvious that it is important for our healthy life: to move correctly and sufficiently, eat healthy food, and create a positive mindset.

No wonder there is an expression: Movement is life. But most people on the planet do not pay due attention to it or play sports just because it is fashionable, that it is in trend, or neighbors and friends are engaged in this, not understanding the importance of moving.

Movement is life. A happy life is Health.

How to make our life, in other words, our movement forward, happy, i.e. healthy?

The only conclusion is to move correctly.

Which factors have an impact on health and performance? How to move correctly? How does the human body and mind respond to physical activity and training?

 We will learn this here, in our School of Health Skills Formation.

Kew words: the physical and mental components of health, state of mind, emotions, health as a way of life, physical activity and training, unhealthy food, movement is life

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