Care support for infants

Care support for infants

About peculiarities of care, you will read below in this article.

Here are some words about the topic – “the level of children’s health care in a country”. The list of components of medical care for an infant, which should be available to each child in every country, you can read below:

 – a comprehensive medical prophylactic observation and examination;

 – rational feeding and nutrition;

 – care support leading to excellent baby development;

 – the creation of a safe environment for the baby.

I don’t want to take your time to talk about Health Care System problems in your country. Definitely, medical doctors and nurses should help your baby to be healthy. Unfortunately, very often they are far from your house, from your baby, and YOU, only YOU (nobody else) must always be ready to help your sweet child. Very often your baby will not need medical help if you follow the right instructions and provide proper care to him. It will be better for your child if you have guidelines on what exactly you need to do in order to make your baby healthier and happier and avoid harmful situations. Let`s start to get some helpful information!

Attention, parents! – Infant mortality

Infant mortality takes away society’s potential physical, social, and human capital.

Infant mortality is the death of an infant in the first year of life, often expressed as the number of deaths per 1000 live births (infant mortality rate).

Leading causes of infant mortality are:

– Congenital malformations,

– Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS),

– Maternal complications during pregnancy,

– Accidents and unintentional injuries.

Environmental and social barriers prevent access to essential medical resources and thus contribute to an increasing infant mortality rate; most infant deaths occur in developing countries, and most of these deaths are due to infections, premature births, complications during delivery, and perinatal asphyxia and birth injuries.

In the United States, a primary determinant of infant mortality risk is infant birth weight with lower birth weights increasing the risk of infant mortality. The determinants of low birth weight include socio-economic, psychological, behavioral, and environmental factors.

This epidemiological indicator is recognized as a very important measure of the level of health care in a country because it is directly linked with the health status of infants, children, and pregnant women as well as access to medical care, socioeconomic conditions, and public health practices.

There is a positive relationship between national wealth and good health. The rich and industrialized countries of the world: Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, European Union spend a large proportion of their wealthy budget on the health care system. As, a result, their healthcare systems are very sophisticated, with many physicians, nurses, and other healthcare experts servicing the population. Thus, infant mortality is low. On the other hand, countries such as Africa, countries in Southeast Asia, Mexico, and countries of East Europe, which spend disproportionately less of their budget on healthcare, suffer from high mortality rates. This is because the general population is likely to be less healthy.

In my book, I talk about causes of child mortality, which YOU (Parents) will be able to prevent, not just medical doctors. I talk about methods of prevention of child mortality, which are directly connected with YOUR methods of child care and child nutrition. That is why you have to read this book and become a very well-educated parent!


At this stage, you know that one of the leading causes of infant mortality is SIDS. Therefore, you have to know about this problem and this knowledge helps you to avoid many accidents. Do not think that anybody else maybe will solve your problems. Look, this is your CHILD and only YOU are responsible for his (or her) life.

Let’s proceed with the following information about “Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)” in my next article.

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