Assessment of Child`s Health Conditions


What you will get from this Health Assessment:

To understand better how it works, you will find information below:

  • Connective tissue (CT) occupies a special place in the body and is represented in all organs, making up more than 70 % of body weight. This tissue is everywhere in the human body: bones, ligaments, joints, muscle fascia, membranes of internal organs and blood.
  • Connective tissue and the immune system function together and are subsystems of one single system – homeostasis. They are responsible for maintaining the constancy of the internal environment within the body, protecting it from aggressive external factors.
  • The condition of CT and certain levels of different types of collagens is genetically determined and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. It can be prevented by implementing healthy habits in children’s everyday lives that increase the level of energy flowing in the connective tissue and fill all the cells of the body with vital energy.
  • Healthy conditions of CT determine a good function of the nervous Vagus, which is crucial in supporting the health of the main internal organs: the heart, lungs, digestive system and function of the throat and larynx.
  • Clinical investigation of children with chronic diseases shows that children with signs of Connective tissue disorders have a low level of interstitial collagen and more risk of disease development.
  • It is recommended before starting one of the Courses to identify the degree of health issue:
    • cognitive dysfunction, learning abilities, and memory;
    • predictors of chronic diseases: phenotypic signs of Connective Tissue Dysplasia and tone of nervous Vagus.

Assessment of child`s health conditions:

  1. “Brain Function Assessment”;
  2. “Identifying risks of chronic disease development”

Methods of identifying the health conditions of your child:

  • visual inspection,
  • questionnaire.

Total duration: 45 minutes via Skype, Teams or Zoom.

Recommended for all children, especially those who have such complaints as:

  • low learning capacity,
  • low concentration and memory,
  • bad mood, sleep disturbance,
  • vertigo, syncope, headache,
  • muscular cramps,
  • low balance and strength by doing exercises,
  • shortness of breath by doing sports activities,
  • abdominal pain,
  • digestive problems – constipation, diarrhea, nausea, belching, vomiting, low appetite,
  • heart arrhythmia, heart pain,
  • joint pain, back pain

It is recommended before starting one of the Courses to identify the degree of health issue:

–         cognitive dysfunction, learning abilities, memory;

–         predictors of chronic diseases: phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia and tone of nervous Vagus.

After health assessments, first, you will understand at which level the health of your baby is. Second, what kind of actions you must take to improve the conditions of your baby’s health before the diseases develop?

What you will get from this Health Assessment:

To understand better how it works, you will find information below:

  • Connective tissue (CT) occupies a special place in the body and is represented in all organs, making up more than 70 % of body weight. This tissue is everywhere in the human body: bones, ligaments, joints, muscle fascia, membranes of internal organs and blood.
  • Connective tissue and the immune system function together and are subsystems of one single system – homeostasis. They are responsible for maintaining the constancy of the internal environment within the body, protecting it from aggressive external factors.
  • The condition of CT and certain levels of different types of collagens is genetically determined and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. It can be prevented by implementing healthy habits in children’s everyday lives that increase the level of energy flowing in the connective tissue and fill all the cells of the body with vital energy.
  • Healthy conditions of CT determine a good function of the nervous Vagus, which is crucial in supporting the health of the main internal organs: the heart, lungs, digestive system and function of the throat and larynx.
  • Clinical investigation of children with chronic diseases shows that children with signs of Connective tissue disorders have a low level of interstitial collagen and more risk of disease development.
  • It is recommended before starting one of the Courses to identify the degree of health issue:
    • cognitive dysfunction, learning abilities, and memory;
    • predictors of chronic diseases: phenotypic signs of Connective Tissue Dysplasia and tone of nervous Vagus.

Identifying the score of Connective tissue disorders, we propose that your baby follow our Program to prevent the development of chronic diseases in future.

If you’re interested in learning more about the “Brain Function Assessment” and “Assessment of chronic disease development predictors”, please feel free to contact me via the contact form.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Inna Yakovleva

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