Advanced Child and Brain Development

child's perception

How Parental care influences the Child’s perception creating his Healthy habits

In this article, I will tell you: Introduction For example, suppose a child perceives the world as a dangerous and scary place. In that case, they may experience stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect their physical health, such as elevated blood pressure and increased risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, their mental health may suffer, and they may […]

How Parental care influences the Child’s perception creating his Healthy habits Read More »

child sleep

Quality Sleep is essential for the Healthy Child Development

Why is sleep important for a child? Sleep is critical for children’s overall health and development and plays a vital role in several key areas, including: In short, sleep is essential for children’s growth, development, and overall well-being. It’s important for parents to ensure that their children are getting enough sleep to support their healthy

Quality Sleep is essential for the Healthy Child Development Read More »

child iq

Unlocking Your Child IQ Potential: The Link Between Life Success and Emotional Intelligence

The measure of a child’s cognitive abilities and potential Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a commonly used measure of a child’s cognitive abilities and potential for academic and intellectual success. However, the relationship between IQ and life success is complex and controversial. On the one hand, high IQ scores are often associated with better educational outcomes and

Unlocking Your Child IQ Potential: The Link Between Life Success and Emotional Intelligence Read More »

Body Movement

Body Movement is a Powerful Tool for the Mindset Creation

The Steps to be Healthy To be healthy, it is important to follow the next steps:  1.         Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and improves overall physical and mental health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise, such as brisk walking. 2.         Eat

Body Movement is a Powerful Tool for the Mindset Creation Read More »

Connective Tissue

The alarming connection among Connective Tissue, Neurotransmitters and Mental Health

Is there an interaction among Connective Tissue, Neurotransmitters and Mental Health? Connective tissue is a structure of the human body. The structure and functions are far from fully understood. Its specific weight is up to 80% of our body weight. Many functions of the human body depend on the state of the connective tissue; it

The alarming connection among Connective Tissue, Neurotransmitters and Mental Health Read More »

Insufficient Water Intake

How does Insufficient Water Intake affect the child´s health and adequate brain function?

In this article, you will learn: How is water essential for our body and brain function? Insufficient Water Intake Water is vital, with its participation, all metabolic and enzymatic processes take place. Moreover, in the body of a child, the relative content of water is greater than that of an adult. In a newborn, water is

How does Insufficient Water Intake affect the child´s health and adequate brain function? Read More »

child's brain development

Child’s brain development and 4 Factors that influence it. Every mother should know it for her child’s healthy growth

Regarding this topic, scientists name a range of factors – from the nature of nutrition and the safety of the social environment to illnesses and injuries suffered in infancy. The course of pregnancy is also of great importance: caring for the health of a child’s brain should begin at the planning stage.  To prevent possible violations of

Child’s brain development and 4 Factors that influence it. Every mother should know it for her child’s healthy growth Read More »

Influence of Nutrition

The Influence of Nutrition on Child’s Brain Development, Learning ability, and Behavior: New Guidelines

Child health creation is the key to a full and productive life. Influence of nutrition Early childhood is the most rapid period of development in human life. The years from conception through birth to five years of age are critical to the healthy cognitive, emotional, and physical growth of children. The rapid development of children´s

The Influence of Nutrition on Child’s Brain Development, Learning ability, and Behavior: New Guidelines Read More »

How do physical exercises affect learning

How do physical exercises affect learning? Connective Tissue and Hippocampus secrets

Introduction Nowadays, the topic “How important is physical exercises for brain performance and learning?” is very up-to-date. The positive effects of physical activity on health and quality of life have been known for centuries. For example, the ancient philosopher Plato said: “A lack of activity impairs the good condition of every man, while exercise and

How do physical exercises affect learning? Connective Tissue and Hippocampus secrets Read More »