2 Hours Consultation


Child Health Creation (CHC) Education Program is an innovative holistic approach to preventing the development of chronic diseases


Early childhood is the most rapid period of development in human life. The years from conception through birth to five are critical to children’s healthy cognitive, emotional, and physical growth.

Are you looking for a way to give your child the best start in life? Do you want to ensure their health and well-being from an early age? Then look no further! Our child health creation course is specifically designed to provide you with all the knowledge and tools you need to raise a healthy, happy child.

The latest research and best practices in child health creation, brain development, and proper nutrition are included in our

3D Health Shaping Program


What you will get in this 2 hours consultation:


During the 1st meeting:      

  • Introduction of holistic Child Health Creation program.
  • Child Brain Function Assessment – Questionnaire. 
  • Identifying body signs of Connective tissue dysplasia as a predictor of chronic disease development.
  • Identifying mental issues and emotional disorders. 
  • Identifying the health issues of the child.
  • Homework for mother – a creation of an individual World map.

           During the 2nd meeting:

  • Discussion of homework and correction of the mother`s lifestyle. 
  • Drawing up an individual plan for the child aimed at the formation of Healthy habits: creating a daily schedule with the next components – nutrition plan, daily exercises (physical activity); learning exercises for brain development, and creation of emotional health.
  • Recommendations for the parents, considering homework assessment and how to behave with the child to avoid chronic disease development.

As a holistic health coach, I provide personal assistance to create healthy habits and healthy lifestyles for your baby.


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